Quick Start


This quick start guide assumes you have RoomHub hardware ready. If you are looking for how to prepare the hardware - look into hardware section.

Quick start guide shows how to connect relay module and configure RoomHub to control it. Connecting other types of devices is similar and can be done with the similar steps.

What do you need

  • Assembled Aetas RoomHub 3 with 5v power supply cable
  • PlatformIO installed (if your RoomHub doesn't have firmware installed)
  • WiFi network
  • Mobile phone (Android or iOS)
  • Running MQTT broker (e.g. Mosquitto)
  • MQTT client installed on your computer (e.g. MQTT.js)
  • Ethernet cable (with connector on one side only)
  • relay module

Connect and configure device


Make sure RoomHub is never connected to power supply and USB port at the same time. This will destroy the device and may damage your computer.

  1. Install RoomHub firmware (see instruction).
  2. Connect RoomHub to power supply (make sure it is not connected to USB).
  3. Keep button 1 pressed on RoomHub and restart it by pressing "EN" button on ESP32.

    Keep button 1 pressed until blue LED will blink 3 times (around 5 seconds).

  4. Use EspTouch to connect RoomHub to your WiFi network (Google Play or Apple Store) - more

    1. Connect your phone to the WiFi network you want RoomHub to be connected to
    2. Put your WiFi password in the EspTouch application
    3. Press "Confirm" in the app
    4. After around 30 seconds you should get success message with IP address of RoomHub - store this IP address for later
  5. Prepare ethernet cable with connector on one side (according to standard T568B) cable termination

  6. Connect relay module to ethernet cable (photo)

    module pin wire color
    VCC/DC+ orange
    ground/DC- orange-white
    control/IN blue
  7. Connect module to RoomHub port 1 (ports)

  8. Prepare configuration file test.roomhub.yml - look into comments to find out which value to change

    configVersion: "3.0"
    name: "TestRoomHub"
    destinationIpAddress: "" # set IP of RoomHub (see point 4.d.)
    mqttHostname: "" # set IP of your MQTT broker
    network: # only for Ethernet - leave as it is for WiFi connection
      macAddress: "6D:CB:54:AD:E9:93"
      ipAddress: ""
      - name: "workshop"
          - name: "point with test relay"
            portNumber: 1
              - name: "test relay"
                id: 1
                wires: ["BLUE"]
                type: RELAY

    For more details on configuration files see configuration page.

  9. Apply configuration with configurator

    • Download latest version of RoomHub Configurator for Linux, MacOS or Windows
    • Extract archive
    • Run Configurator CLI with command (make sure path to test.roomhub.yml is correct)

      bin/room-hub-configurator /home/john/test.roomhub.yml
      bin/room-hub-configurator /Users/john/test.roomhub.yml
      bin\room-hub-configurator.bat C:/test.roomhub.yml

    Sample output
        ____                        __  __      __
       / __ \____  ____  ____ ___  / / / /_  __/ /_
      / /_/ / __ \/ __ \/ __ `__ \/ /_/ / / / / __ \
     / _, _/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / __  / /_/ / /_/ /
    /_/ |_|\____/\____/_/ /_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_.___/
    Starting RoomHubConfiguratorApplicationKt on desktop with PID 22499 (started by user in /home/john/room-hub-configurator-0.1.0-alpha.20-linux/room-hub-configurator-linux)
    No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
    Devtools property defaults active! Set 'spring.devtools.add-properties' to 'false' to disable
    LiveReload server is running on port 35729
    Started RoomHubConfiguratorApplicationKt in 1.26 seconds (JVM running for 1.663)
    JSON schema validation succeeded 
    Application validation succeeded 
    Setting RoomHub name to 'TestRoomHub'
    Sending network configuration '6D:CB:54:AD:E9:93;;;;;'
    Setting MQTT hostname to ''
    Sending device configuration '1.0;1;test relay;2;1;4;0;0'
    Finalizing RoomHub configuration
    RoomHub configured correctly

  10. Subscribe to MQTT topic to see device has been initialized (replace IP address with your MQTT broker address)

    mqtt sub -t 'homie/TestRoomHub/#' -h '' -v
    Sample output
    homie/TestRoomHub/$homie 3.0.1
    homie/TestRoomHub/$name TestRoomHub
    homie/TestRoomHub/$nodes 1
    homie/TestRoomHub/$implementation Aetas
    homie/TestRoomHub/$fw/name Aetas RoomHub
    homie/TestRoomHub/$fw/version 3.1.0-dev.13-WIFI
    homie/TestRoomHub/$mac 3C:71:BF:59:34:34
    homie/TestRoomHub/$stats uptime,signal,freeheap
    homie/TestRoomHub/$stats/interval 30
    homie/TestRoomHub/$stats/uptime 1198
    homie/TestRoomHub/$stats/signal 88
    homie/TestRoomHub/$stats/freeheap 248064
    homie/TestRoomHub/$state ready
    homie/TestRoomHub/1/$name test relay
    homie/TestRoomHub/1/$type DigitalOutput
    homie/TestRoomHub/1/$properties state
    homie/TestRoomHub/1/state/$name state
    homie/TestRoomHub/1/state/$settable true
    homie/TestRoomHub/1/state/$retained true
    homie/TestRoomHub/1/state/$datatype enum
    homie/TestRoomHub/1/state/$format ON,OFF

  11. Send MQTT message to switch relay state (replace IP address with your MQTT broker address)

    mqtt pub -t 'homie/TestRoomHub/1/state/set' -h '' -m 'ON'

State of the relay should change.
Congratulation! You have just configured your first device on RoomHub.

What's next?